Sep 12, 2023 Written by David Barlev

10 UX/UI Design Best Practices For Launching a B2C App

When launching a B2C app, it can be difficult to know which UX/UI design practices you should follow—or even where to begin. If you’ve ever opened your App Store and been overwhelmed by the sheer number of apps out there, then you understand how hard it is to stand out. Luckily, we have ten tried-and-true tips that will help your mobile app distinguish itself from all the rest. Read on for our list of must-follow best practices when creating an optimal user experience for your B2C app.

Pre-Launch Testing

Before launching your B2C app into production, it is essential to test it thoroughly in order to identify any potential issues or bugs that could negatively affect the user experience. This will also help you create a product with a seamless and intuitive interface. This can be done by recruiting a few people from your target demographic and having them test out the app in order to identify any potential usability issues or areas for improvement. Your testing plan should also include functional tests using tools like Appium or Selenium in order to ensure that everything works correctly before you launch your app into production.

Clear Onboarding & Navigation

Onboarding assistance is an important feature for any B2C app as it helps new users quickly learn how to use the interface without having to search through extensive documentation or tutorials. Incorporate onboarding assistance into your design by providing helpful tips throughout the UI or offering a guided tour when a user first opens up the app. It’s also helpful to have a clear navigation structure when designing an app for B2C use. Allowing users to easily find what they are looking for will help keep them engaged and encourage them to explore more of your product or service offerings.

Visual Consistency

Creating visual consistency throughout the app will help users navigate and understand how it works more quickly and easily, which can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. This also contributes to retention, as users will affiliate your app with a positive visual experience. Using similar colors, fonts, icons, and layouts throughout the app will help create a cohesive look that users will recognize immediately upon launch.

Visual Hierarchy

Visual hierarchy is an important part of UX/UI design for B2C apps as it helps guide users through the interface by clearly indicating which elements are most important. To create an effective visual hierarchy, use size, color, shape, and other design elements to draw attention to key areas of the interface while de-emphasizing less important sections. This includes making sure that all of the UI elements are sized appropriately for different screen sizes and that the app functions properly on both iOS and Android devices.


It is important to consider accessibility when designing a B2C app, as many users may have disabilities or other impairments that can affect their ability to interact with digital interfaces. Designing an accessible app is essential so that everyone can use your product or service without any difficulty or frustration due to individual differences, like color blindness or low vision. To ensure that everyone can use your app, make sure to include features like high-contrast colors, adjustable font sizes, and voice commands in your design. You’ll be able to make sure everyone has equal access to your product or service offering no matter their abilities or limitations.


Personalization can be a great way to increase engagement with your B2C app. It’s becoming popular to offer features that allow users to customize their experience according to their preferences and needs. This could include things like customizing notifications settings, or allowing users to save their content so they can quickly access what they need without having to search through the entire interface each time they open the app up again. You can also offer visual customization like colors, fonts, and dark mode to give users more control over their individual experiences. 

Security & Privacy

Security should always be the top priority when launching a B2C app – after all, customers want assurance that their data is safe before sharing any personal information with you. Security features should also be integrated into any B2C application in order to protect user data from malicious actors who may attempt to access sensitive information stored within the system. Make sure you implement secure encryption protocols into your design such as two-factor authentication encryption protocols, data encryption, firewalls, antivirus software, etc. That way, you can ensure that only authorized parties have access to what they need without compromising user privacy. Be sure to include robust privacy policies so customers know exactly how their data will be used (and not used).

Consistent Content Updates

Content within a B2C app should be kept up-to-date in order to ensure accuracy and relevancy for users who rely on this information when making decisions or taking actions within the interface. Set up processes for regularly reviewing content within the app and updating it whenever necessary in order to keep users informed about changes or new features they may need to know about when using your app. Furthermore, mistakes will happen, so make sure you have contingency plans and regular scheduled updates.

Offline Functionality

Having offline functionality built into your app is another great way of increasing customer engagement by allowing customers to access content even when there’s no internet connection available (e..g on planes). This could include things like caching content for offline viewing or allowing customers to download certain pieces of content for later consumption – both of which are great ways of providing value even when there’s no internet connection present.

Optimization & Analytics

Finally, optimization & analytics are key components of any successful B2C App – after all, if you don’t measure how well something works then you won’t know what needs improving. By tracking usage metrics like active sessions, engagement levels, feature adoption rates, etc., you’ll be able to gain valuable insights into how people are interacting with your product so you can optimize performance over time. Make sure you utilize A/B testing and other forms of analytics tracking throughout development and beyond so you can continually refine and improve the user experience over time.

At Goji Labs, we understand that crafting a great B2C app isn’t easy, but with some of these UX/UI design best practices under your belt you can ensure that your app meets customer needs. Remember to start with setting up a pre-launch test and ensure that onboarding, navigation and accessibility is intuitive. Visual hierarchy, personalization, security & privacy, consistent updates and offline functionality are also key components to providing an optimal experience for your consumers. Lastly remember to put time into optimization & analytics – data driven design decisions will take you far. 
If you still have questions, want some more support, or need help getting started, why not contact us at Goji Labs–we’d love to have a chat.