
Looking for product and organizational management resources?

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Oct 03, 2018

Proven Strategies That Help SaaS Startups Survive & Thrive

SaaS business models are like no other, and it’s not easy to make it in this dog-eat-dog world. There...

Oct 02, 2018

How To Help Your Product Team Improve The Customer Experience

If you want to help your product development team create a better customer experience, you really need to help...

Oct 01, 2018

Want To Decrease Churn In Your SaaS Business?

When it comes to SaaS businesses, decreasing churn is always a primary concern. If you want your business to...

Sep 27, 2018

Why Product Management Is Vital For SaaS Companies

The product manager plays an important role in all tech companies, but even more so in SaaS businesses. Product...

Aug 03, 2018

How To Get From Your MVP To A Thriving Business

Although many people treat it as such, the concept of a minimum viable product (MVP) is not just a...

Aug 02, 2018

Should I Hire A Company Or Freelancer To Design My App?

If you’re not a programmer, you’re going to have to outsource the development of your app to a team....
computer by window helping people understand finding good ruby on rails developers

Jul 16, 2018

Finding Good Ruby on Rails Developers

So you want or need to build an application in Ruby on Rails? You’re not alone. Nowadays, more than...
white woman understanding why dev projects fail

Jul 09, 2018

Why Dev Projects Fail: Four Reasons

At Goji Labs, one of our specialties is taking on rescue projects. That is, projects which never make it...
computer with code reflecting how to speak a developer's language

Jun 11, 2018

How to Speak a Developer’s Language

In the tech industry, we’re all familiar with that daunting adage: 99% of startups don’t make it to launch....