
Looking for resources on all things EdTech software and app development?

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gamify gamifcation

Apr 11, 2022

Gamify -ing: The Pros and Cons of Gamification

It can be tough to stay motivated when you’re learning things. Learning takes practice and discipline (not to sound...
edtech startups: how to develop an edtech tool

Feb 16, 2022

EdTech Startups: How to Develop an EdTech Tool

Hello! Today we’ll be discussing how to develop an EdTech tool. (This is a continuation of our Part I:...
what is an edtech app and its benefits

Feb 14, 2022

What is an EdTech App and What are Its Benefits?

Well, whether you’ve seen a gap in accessibility, realized you can streamline a learning process, or know that there...
Features of Successful EdTech Apps

Oct 27, 2021

The 10 Ultimate Features of Successful EdTech Apps

Let's talk features of successful EdTech apps —because education has been digitizing for a while now.