Oct 3, 2023 Written by Tamar Barlev

The Key Considerations for Cross Platform Development

These days, in the ever-digitizing business landscape, mobile applications have become a primary channel to engage with customers and clients. With a decent—and growing—number of platforms available, developing apps for various operating systems can be a daunting and resource-intensive task. This is where cross-platform app development comes into play.

And so, today we’ll explore what it is, its pros and cons, use cases, and the key considerations companies should weigh before embarking on their cross-platform development journey.

So, what is Cross Platform Development?

Cross-platform app development, aka multi-platform development, is the process of creating software applications that can run on multiple operating systems and devices using a single codebase. This approach enables developers to write code once and deploy it across various platforms, such as iOS, Android, and even web browsers, with minimal modifications.

The Good + Bad of Cross Platform Development


Cross-platform development has a ton of benefits.

First, it brings cost efficiency by eliminating the need for separate codebases, reducing development time and overall expenses. Second, it enables faster development through code reuse, leading to quicker updates and bug fixes. Additionally, by targeting multiple platforms startups and small businesses can simultaneously also broaden reach and audience.

This methodology also promotes consistency in design, functionality, and user experience, maintaining a unified brand identity. And lastly, a single codebase simplifies maintenance and updates, ensuring changes are uniformly applied across supported platforms.


Cross-platform frameworks have their own set of challenges, including potential performance bottlenecks when compared to native development. Graphics-intensive or resource-heavy apps may not perform as well. Moreover, cross-platform solutions may not provide access to all the native features and capabilities of specific platforms, potentially limiting the functionality of your app.

Achieving a seamless user experience across different platforms can also be challenging, as users may notice differences in app behavior and design. Furthermore, developers may experience a learning curve while adapting to new tools and frameworks, initially slowing down the development process.

Ideal Use Cases for Cross Platform Development

Cross-platform development is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and how well it fits into an app’s architecture depends on the nature of the app. Let’s go through some scenarios where it shines.

  1. Simple Business Apps: Cross-platform app development is ideal for building straightforward business applications, such as task management tools, calendar apps, or content delivery apps, where performance is not a primary concern.
  1. Prototyping and MVPs: When you need to quickly prototype an idea or create a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) to test the market, cross-platform development allows for faster development and validation.
  1. Content-Centric Apps: Apps that primarily display content, like news readers or e-commerce platforms, can benefit from cross-platform development due to their lower reliance on complex device-specific features.
  1. Startups and Small Businesses: For organizations with limited resources, cross-platform app development provides a cost-effective way to enter the mobile app market and reach a broad audience.

Key Considerations Before Embarking on Cross Platform Development

Before diving in, it’s crucial for companies to carefully weigh the following considerations.

App Complexity

Assess the complexity of your app and its reliance on platform-specific features. If your app heavily depends on native capabilities, a native development approach might be more suitable. Consider factors such as the range of functionalities, integration requirements, and the need for access to device-specific APIs.

Performance Requirements

Consider the performance expectations of your app. Graphics-intensive games or applications with real-time processing may suffer from performance issues in a cross-platform environment. Evaluate the need for fine-tuned, platform-specific optimizations and the potential impact on user experience.

Budget and Resources

Evaluate your budget and available resources. Cross-platform development can save money in the long run, but it may require an initial investment in training and tooling. Consider costs associated with development, maintenance, testing, and ongoing support.

User Experience

Think about the user experience you want to deliver. Cross-platform apps should aim for consistency, but achieving the same level of polish as native apps can be challenging. Consider design considerations, UI/UX patterns, and potential limitations of cross-platform frameworks.

Development Team Skills

Assess your development team’s familiarity with cross-platform tools and frameworks. Training or hiring experienced developers may be necessary to ensure smooth development, debugging, and optimization processes.

Platform-Specific Needs

Identify any critical platform-specific needs or features that your app must have. Determine if these requirements can be met within the cross-platform framework. Evaluate the impact on performance, functionality, and user experience if certain platform-specific features are unavailable or less robust in a cross-platform context.

Maintenance and Updates

Consider the long-term maintenance and update requirements of your app. Cross-platform dev an simplify this process by allowing code reuse, but it’s essential to plan for ongoing support, bug fixing, and feature updates across multiple platforms.

To sum it up

In conclusion, cross-platform app development offers a cost-effective and efficient way to create apps that can run on multiple platforms. However, it’s not without its challenges and limitations. 

Careful consideration of your app’s complexity, performance requirements, and user experience goals, along with an evaluation of your budget and development team’s skills, is essential before embarking on this journey. When implemented thoughtfully, cross-platform development can be a powerful strategy to reach a broader audience and streamline app development and maintenance processes.

Have some questions about how to decide which way to go, or need some help getting there? Reach out to us—we’d love to talk 🙂