Do a Google search for web application development company in your area and you won’t be wanting for names.
The problem is finding the best one that’s equipped to handle the needs of your business.
It’s important to note that there is no definitive answer here. In general, a team that feels right and is compatible with your goals and vision will always be a solid bet.
So, how can you tell when a web application development company is actually compatible with your own?
Well, there are a few considerations you’ll want to take into account…
TLDR; Contents
They Have Relevant Experience in Your Industry
A good software developer will be skilled across a wide variety of projects. However, in a day and age of targeted specialists, generalists are dying out.
In your search for a good web application development company, you’ll want to find an agency that is particularly skilled in your industry.
Because that experience means a shorthand.
That shorthand means easier and quicker communication.
And better communication means a better end product.
Take a look around the industry and you’ll find plenty of agencies that offer a wide range of services. The problem is that they’re willing to offer those services to any business that needs them.
As a result, they develop experience but because the projects are so varied and different these agencies never expand on an existing skill set or knowledge base. Every project is new in their eyes, so the lessons learned from previous clients don’t stick as well as they do from different clients in the same industry.
What you want is accumulated experience.
This means an agency and partner that knows your industry nearly as well as you do, can tell you exactly what you need and has the experience to generate results.
They Have All the Answers
No, this doesn’t mean the company is full of know-it-alls. It means they’ve been around the block a few times and understand what your business needs are.
Because they’ve seen them before.
We can’t stress this enough but when you work with a web application development company that’s seen the problems you have and have solved them, it inspires confidence.
In you and us.
That means when you have a question about how this particular project will perform, we can confidently give you an answer based on fact. When you work with a generalist, you don’t have that luxury. When every project is novel, it’s more or less a crap shoot of whether or not what they’ve done before will work for you.
And with tens of thousands of dollars on the line, that’s a serious risk to undertake.
Instead, try this on your next exploratory call with a prospective web development company.
Ask them what their experience is working in your industry.
If they’re honest, they’ll rattle of similar work and clients OR acknowledge they’ve never worked in your industry but feel confident.
However, if they’re dishonest, they’ll tell you it doesn’t matter.
That experience does and if they’re neglecting its importance, that’s a serious red flag.
Working with a web application development company that knows its stuff is a breath of fresh air. Where you might have been used to, “hold on, let me get back to you,” a specialized agency has an answer for you right there on the spot.
And that depth of knowledge creates trust.
They Honor Their Word
This is a BIG one—and we really can’t stress this one enough.
A good web application development company MUST hold themselves to their word. In essence, that means they need to do what they said they were going to do.
Because it’s the only way to establish trust and authority.
They’ve got to deliver.
A tendency in this industry—and in general—is to overpromise and underdeliver. A good web development company knows to flip that. When a company underpromises and over delivers, they exceed your expectations and give you an experience that stays with you.
It’s why airlines set the arrival time 15-20 minutes after the expected landing time.
Because when you get there 15-20 minutes early it feels pretty good, doesn’t it?
In vetting good web application development companies, check out their reviews and see what past clients have said about them. Check out how good they are at honoring their promises and delivering for their clients.
A good resource for this is Google My Business but an even better one is The latter specifically allows past clients to fill out detailed questionnaires on their experience with their agency.
If a company has given their client a bad experience or was lacking in some noteworthy way, you’ll see it on Clutch.
They’re Not Collaborators, Not Contractors
One of the first feelings you can have as a client is that your agency is just following orders. It just shows a lack of true investment if they don’t have any input on their own.
When vetting web developers you want to find a company that’s as excited about your vision as you are. You want someone who’s going to walk with you on your journey, not just follow your lead.
And that difference is essential.
As you reach out to various web application companies, you’ll hear the difference. Some just want to know what you want to build, how much your budget is, and when you are ready to get started.
Others will ask you much more than that. They’ll want to hear about your business, hear about you, and get down to the heart of your problem to formulate an effective solution.
Those distinctions are critical because the former approach produces a thing.
The latter, however, creates a lasting experience.
There’s a System of Specialized Labor
As we mentioned above, specialization for a web application development company is key.
And if you’re after a good app development company, you’ll want to find this level of distinction in their workers as well.
This means that the agency isn’t just a team of web developers and designers. Sure, those two roles are critical to the creation of a web application but that team is missing several key fixtures as well.
A solid web application development company will have designers, developers, QA analysts, engineers, and project managers at a minimum. This division of labor will effectively ensure a high-quality end product that you’ll be happy with.
You Get Along with Them
It’s nice to have a conversation with a collaborator and not feel like hanging up on them, isn’t it?
You’d be surprised how rare of a quality that is when working with web application development companies, too. We may be a very technical industry but that’s no excuse for bad manners.
So, when you’re catching up and checking in with your team, there should be an air of excitement and positivity when you speak with them.
If they’re gloomy, matter-of-fact, or just downright dull, it may be worth nipping that relationship in the bud while you’re still in the discovery phase. Trust us, if the relationship is closer to sour than sweet in the beginning, there’s a good chance it’ll only get more difficult once the real work begins.
When It Comes Finding a Good Web Application Development Company…Trust Your Gut
Thanks to exploratory calls, you can find out a lot about your prospective agency before ever signing on the dotted line.
Take advantage of this opportunity to ask the right questions, look through their past work, and get a feel for whether you’re compatible.
If all systems are green, then godspeed.
However, if you’re not 100%, there’s no shame in doing more research. Either way choose, when you’re ready to get started, we’re here to help.
Think you found a good web application development company. We’re flattered.
Click here to schedule a free 15-minute consultation.