Oct 26, 2023 Written by Tamar Barlev

UX Accessibility: The Importance of Accessible Design

image of different people being elevated by a hill to create equity

In an age where technology plays an increasingly central role in our lives, digital product design has evolved from a mere convenience into an essential element of modern existence. However, not everyone interacts with technology in the same way, and considering the diverse needs of users is paramount. This is where UX accessibility, also known as accessibility in UX design, comes into the picture.

So today, we’ll explore the significance of UX accessibility, its implications for social equity, and its importance for businesses. We’ll also discuss some best practices to ensure that digital products are designed with accessibility in mind.

What is UX Accessibility?

UX accessibility, or User Experience accessibility, involves designing digital products and interfaces so that people with a wide range of abilities can use and understand them. This covers various conditions, including visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive differing abilities. Essentially, UX accessibility involves creating a digital environment that’s inclusive and provides equal access and opportunity to all users.

To better understand UX accessibility, let’s consider some examples:

Example 1: Alt Text for Images

Imagine a website with numerous images. People with visual impairments who use screen readers to navigate the web can’t grasp any information from these images unless they have descriptive alternative text (alt text) associated with them. Alt text provides a textual description of the image, ensuring that all users, regardless of their visual abilities, can comprehend the content.

Example 2: Keyboard Navigation

Some users may have limited or no use of a mouse due to motor impairments. Designing digital products with keyboard navigation in mind allows these users to interact with websites and applications using only the keyboard. Proper tab order and focus states are crucial for a seamless experience.

Example 3: Captions and Transcripts

In the context of video content, deaf or hard-of-hearing users rely on captions or transcripts to understand the audio component. By providing accurate captions or transcripts, designers can ensure that all users have equal access to the content.

The Importance of Accessibility in UX Design

For Championing User Equity

Making digital products accessible is a matter of social equity. It promotes inclusivity and ensures that no one is left behind. Here are some key reasons why UX accessibility is vital for championing user equity:

1. Equal Opportunities

Inaccessible digital products create barriers that limit opportunities for people with disabilities. They restrict access to information, education, employment, and social interaction, which should be equal for everyone. UX accessibility breaks down these barriers and provides a level playing field.

2. Diverse User Base

The user base of digital products is diverse, and accessibility accommodates this diversity. Consider aging populations or temporary disabilities caused by injury. Designing with accessibility in mind ensures that your product can be used by a wider range of people.

3. Ethical Responsibility

Promoting accessibility is an ethical obligation. As designers and creators, we have a responsibility to make the digital world more inclusive. By prioritizing accessibility, we uphold the principles of fairness and equal access.

For Business

While the social and ethical aspects of UX accessibility are of paramount importance, there are also practical benefits for businesses that consider accessibility in their product design.

1. Broadening Audience

When you design digital products with accessibility in mind, you make them more inclusive and capable of attracting a larger audience. This includes people with disabilities, as well as individuals from different cultural backgrounds and those who may have limited access to high-end devices or a stable internet connection.

2. SEO Benefits

Search engines like Google value accessibility. Websites that meet accessibility guidelines often achieve higher rankings in search results. By making your product more accessible, you improve its visibility, potentially driving more organic traffic to your website or application.

Many countries have implemented laws and regulations that require digital products to be accessible. Non-compliance can lead to legal consequences, including fines and legal action. By ensuring accessibility, businesses can avoid legal issues and safeguard their reputation.

Best Practices for UX Accessibility

Ensuring that your digital product is accessible involves incorporating best practices throughout the design and development process. Here are some key steps to consider:

  1. Understand User Needs: Conduct user research to comprehend the diverse needs of your target audience. This includes people with disabilities and those with unique requirements.
  2. Follow Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG): WCAG provides a set of internationally recognized standards for web accessibility. Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your product is accessible. A recent study found that 98.1% of homepages had detectable WCAG 2 failures (with 86.3% having “low contrast” as the reason.)
  3. Provide Alternative Text: Use descriptive alt text for images, ensuring that screen readers can accurately convey the content.
  4. Keyboard Navigation: Ensure that all functionality is accessible and operable using a keyboard.
  5. Use Semantic HTML: Employ semantic HTML elements to provide structure and meaning to your content. This assists assistive technologies in conveying information.
  6. Color Contrast: Maintain a sufficient contrast ratio between text and background colors to improve readability for users with visual impairments.
  7. Caption and Transcribe Media: For multimedia content, provide captions and transcripts to make it accessible to users who are deaf or hard of hearing.
  8. Test with Real Users: Conduct usability testing with individuals who have disabilities to identify and address any accessibility issues.
  9. Regular Audits: Periodically review and audit your product for accessibility compliance, addressing any new issues that may arise.
  10. Educate Your Team: Ensure that your design and development teams are well-versed in accessibility best practices to create an accessible culture within your organization.

The Positive Impact of UX Accessibility

By designing digital products with UX accessibility in mind, we can have a significant positive impact on the lives of users with disabilities. Here are a few stories that highlight the real-world significance of UX accessibility:

Enhancing Education

Imagine a student with a visual impairment who relies on digital textbooks and e-learning platforms. Thanks to accessible design, these students can access their educational materials just like their sighted peers. They can use screen readers to read textbooks, access interactive content, and submit assignments, fostering a more inclusive and equitable educational environment.

Empowering Independent Living

For someone with a mobility impairment, an accessible mobile app for grocery shopping can be life-changing. They can navigate through the app, make purchases, and have groceries delivered to their doorstep independently. This level of self-reliance enhances their quality of life and reduces the need for assistance.

Expanding Career Opportunities

A job seeker with a hearing impairment has a video interview with a potential employer. The video interview platform provides live captions and ensures that the candidate can fully participate in the process. This accessibility feature allows the candidate to showcase their skills and competencies, increasing their chances of securing employment.

Fostering Inclusive Social Interaction

In a world where social media plays a significant role in our lives, accessible design ensures that individuals with disabilities can engage in online communities, share their thoughts, and stay connected with friends and family. This fosters social inclusion and combats feelings of isolation.

Breaking Down Language Barriers

Consider an international traveler who does not speak the local language. An accessible translation app, with voice output and visual aids, can help them communicate with locals and navigate unfamiliar environments. Accessibility extends beyond disabilities and serves a global audience.

The Evolving Landscape of UX Accessibility

The importance of UX accessibility is not confined to any particular industry or sector. It is a universal concern that continues to evolve as technology advances. With the advent of new technologies like voice assistants, augmented reality, and virtual reality, ensuring accessibility remains a crucial aspect of innovation.

For instance, voice user interfaces (VUIs) have the potential to revolutionize how we interact with digital devices. However, it’s essential to ensure that VUIs are designed with accessibility in mind, allowing individuals with speech or mobility impairments to harness the power of voice technology.

Similarly, as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) become more integrated into daily life, it’s vital to ensure that these immersive experiences are accessible to individuals with disabilities. This includes considerations for voice-activated commands, navigational aids, and haptic feedback for users with vision or hearing impairments.

A Call to Action

In an increasingly digital world, accessibility should be at the forefront of every digital product designer’s mind. By embracing UX accessibility, we can contribute to a more inclusive society, provide equal opportunities, and promote social equity. It’s not just a matter of compliance with laws and guidelines; it’s a matter of empathy and responsibility.

So, whether you’re designing a website, a mobile app, a game, or any digital product, remember the fundamental importance of UX accessibility. It’s not an add-on; it’s an integral part of design that can make a world of difference to countless individuals.

By following best practices, staying informed about evolving technologies, and advocating for accessibility, we can collectively shape a digital landscape that celebrates diversity and empowers everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. Together, we can build a more accessible and inclusive future for all.

Want some help with revamping your platform to be more accessible, or building one that is? Reach out to us—we’d love to talk 🙂